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Activités Jeunes NL (3)

UECT Young European Cycling Tourist Grant Regulations

The European Cycling Union (UECT) offers Young European Cycling Tourists to combine the bicycle trip with text and images to share the emotions and memories of a bicycle trip with as many people as possible.

Article 1
This grant is awarded to cycling tourists licensed by one of the Federations or Associations affiliated to UECT. The form and amount of the grant are decided annually by the UECT executive committee.

The number of bursaries awarded each year will be limited to a maximum of five (5).

An applicant who is a member of a club or association that has had a cyclotourist win a UECT Young Cyclist Award in year N may not submit an application for year N+1.

Only the selected applications will be selected and rewarded during an official ceremony, either during the European Week of Cycling Tourism or during the General Assembly of their federation or the regional decentralization at the end of the year. The UECT financial part will be obtained upon validation of the report by the UECT manager

Article 2
The participant (s),, (team of 3 maximum), selected for the grant of the young UECT cycling tourist, aged under 25 years on the day of departure, must (have) submitted an application two months before the departure of the itinerant journey lasting at least three consecutive days, by bicycle or tandem (machine driven exclusively by muscular force) in total autonomy and a mileage at least equal to 250 kilometers.

A bicycle supervisor / coach over 25 years old is accepted but he cannot claim to be part of the workforce to obtain the grant.

The itinerary is chosen by the participant (s) and must comply with the following regulations :
   1) include at least 1 European country other than that of residence and cover at least 80 kilometers in this country
   2) be part of Trait d’Union Européen (see regulations on according to point 1
   3) or joins the location of the European Cycle Touring Week according to point 1
   4) star trips are excluded (starting point has to be different every day); no stage can take part at the usual place of residence; the days off for rest, visits and due to bad weather are neutralized and the duration of the trip is increased by the same amount. UECT funding will be calculated on the actual cycling days with a minimum daily distance travelled of 60 kilometers.
Applications will be accepted until June 15 of the current year. The UECT will examine them and possibly meet the candidates according to their geographic residence.

Trips organized by a Cycling Tourism Federation or any other organization cannot be covered with received funds.

The application must contain the travel plan with the following elements:
   1) Registration form with copy of the up-to-date annual license of a Federation or Association affiliated to UECT
   2) Proposed Itinerary detailed (PDF of the route on a road map or via software in the form of a GPX) with an appendix showing the mileage breakdown of the stages.
   3) Purpose of the trip including off-bike objective and detailed description of the project
   4) Ensure possible links with cycling tourists in the regions included in the itinerary and refer to the UECT
   5) Image right authorization
   6) Validation of the project, for those under 18, by the legal guardian (s) and the President of the club
   7) Validation of the project by the referent designated by the UECT Management Committee
   8) Participation in the European Cycle touring certificate competition (see regulations on the travel book will be submitted with the validation of the project by the UECT
   9) Insurance: As this is a considered as personal excursion, the participant (s), (are) covered by the insurance linked to their license for  FFCT - FPC - FECT - PCUB affiliates or, through a personal insurance for PTTK - DF4DM affiliates.

Article 3
The participant (s) will document their trip by text and by image including:
   1) A story of at least 4 pages (the text being typed only on the front-hand side, at the rate of approximately 25 lines per sheet in Arial font size 11). This text will be accompanied by a scheme of the route and a table of the completed stages.
   2) At least 6 photos taken during the trip and relating to the story. These photos can be in black and white or color in 13x18 format or in a digital album. Participants must appear on different photos.

The report presented must be unpublished. Any prior publication of the same text in any journal or bulletin, in the form of a published work, will result in the reject of the application by the UECT.

Article 4
The deadline for applications submissions is 30th of September of the current year at the latest.

Article 5
The UECT reserves all the rights not to award a grant, if it judges that the quality of the documents is insufficient or does not comply with present regulations. The winners’ applications will be the exclusive property of the UECT, with all rights to publish a part of report or the full version on its website.

This grant cannot be awarded to the same participant for two consecutive years

Article 6
The form and amount of the prizes are determined by the UECT, which may award a maximum of five scholarships each year

For 2024, the daily amount is fixed at 30 euros / person / day of cycling over a maximum duration of 7 days.

More information : 


Donderdag, 11 november 2021 14:58

Presantatie Jonge fietsactiviteiten UECT - AJC

Aims of the Activities of the Young Cyclotourists UECT (AJC UECT)

Create a framework for welcoming and actively participating in cycling tourism events for families with children.  Promote the practice of bicycle tourism by young people. To create the opportunity for these young people to get to know the countries of Europe and to make friendly contacts. Raise awareness among young people about the richness of the environment and ecology. To enable young people to discover European cultures and through these actions to contribute to training in European Citizenship for young people.


Organisation of the AJC UECT

This proposal provides for the organisation of the Activities of the Young Cyclotourists of the UECT (AJC-UECT) during the European UECT Week (SE-UECT) and in the same place. Thus, the organizer of the SE will also be the organizer of the AJC.

  • The AJC take place from 9am to 3pm, for 4 days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and Friday.
  • During the AJC, i. e. between 9am and 3pm per day of activity, the children are under the responsibility of the qualified instructors approved by the UECT. Outside this time, adults in care are the only ones responsible for the children.
  • The AJCs are an entire event. It is not possible to register for the day. All children will be registered for the 4 days of the AJC.
  • The children carry out a programme whose main lines are described by the Framework Programme below.
  • Registration for the AJC is done via the European Week Registration Form.
  • As such, children benefit from the insurance guarantees provided by the organiser.
  • The AJC have a specific programme (different from the SE programme), adapted to the young public and which emphasises the objectives defined by the UECT and by those responsible for setting up the AJC.
  • Activities will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. On Friday, the young people are scheduled to go out with the adults participating in the SE on the day's route and have a common picnic.

We warmly invite young cyclists to participate in the Activities.


AJC Framework Program

Group  Programm  Target

Group A
(7-10 years old)

Difficulty level 1, 2

Games, skill tests and others, on site, in multilingual teams; compass use and orientation in the field; reading a simple map;
walks and awakening children to nature and the environment.
Preparation and realization of a bike trip. Initiation to the mechanics of cycling, adaptation of speed to the difficulty of the course.
Team and individual ranking.
Introduction to cycling tourism; children's awareness of the environment and ecology;
knowledge of cycling techniques; transmission of the values of camaraderie, sports collaboration,
mutual aid, and respect for the cultures of one's classmates.

Group B
(11-13 years old)

Difficulty level 3, 4

Cycling events, cycling techniques, road signs, traffic regulations, field orientation, map reading, collaboration and mutual aid in a multilingual team;
Cycling tourism: looking at the environment to find a subject for a bike ride.
The children prepare, under the instruction of an instructor, their own exit.
Team and individual ranking.

Adaptation of children to road traffic; recognition of the environment and its use in the preparation of bike rides.
Transmission of the values of camaraderie, sporting collaboration, mutual aid, and respect
for the cultures of one's classmates.

Group C
(14-17 years old)

Difficulty level 5, 6

Cycling events; reminder: road signs, traffic regulations, orientation in the field, reading the map.
Discovery of the region (Tourist Office, Library, Internet) and the choice of thematic routes (gastronomy, interesting people, history, architecture, etc.).
Organisation and implementation of all cycling trips (no more than 3).
Collaboration and mutual assistance in a multilingual team. Team and individual ranking.

Support and accompaniment to enable young people to acquire their autonomy; Awareness of landscape quality and ecology among young people; Transmission of the values of camaraderie, sports collaboration, mutual support and respect for the cultures of their peers.

Some pictures of the AJC in Aubusson in 2015. Picture : B. Rusiewicz

Aubusson2 1Aubusson4 1Aubusson3 1

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Semaine Européenne