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Presentation of the European Week

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There is the Europe of summits, the Europe of everyday life, close to us, both building the Europe of citizens. The European Cyclotourism Week can enable citizens of all ages and conditions from all countries to meet, exchange and get to know each other.

The European Cyclotourism Week aims to be the showcase for Cyclotourism in Europe. It takes place during one week, usually in mid-July, in one of the countries affiliated to the European Cycling Union.

Cyclotourism is above all the practice of a relaxing, leisure activity, and of course a sport activity in its own right.

The European Cyclotourism Week allows you to discover a region or a country in a friendly way, and to get to know cyclists from all over this new Europe. This is the spirit of the European Cyclotourism Week.

Read 6366 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 November 2020 17:13
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Semaine Européenne